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For some unfathomable reason, I am feeling optimistic this week. I think it's because the 2020 election is FINALLY in sight, and I think Trump is going to lose. I have faith that if Biden wins that he will immediately put in place a plan to deal with COVID, and try and bring people back together. I am actually feeling in my bones that this national nightmare will soon be over. I truly hope I am right. I had a great experience on Sunday. A neighborhood clinic in conjunction with the Giant Supermarket was offering free flu shots and free Covid testing. My spouse and son and I all went and got flu shots. When we got there, the woman checking us in asked if we had insurance, even though it was free. She explained that everyone who had insurance was helping the effort, because the more the clinic got reimbursed by private insurance, the more shots and tests they could offer. We were happy to contribute. Happy that in some small way, in our progressive community, clinics and businesses are pitching in to protect everyone's health. Pitching in where the federal government has failed miserably. Although this effort was private, this is what public health would look like, if we had it. I'm pretty sure that if most Americans understood what public health care truly was--i.e. you walk up to your local clinic and get all your vaccines for free, they would support it. Our lack of any kind of public health care is truly a fault of politics, greed, and imagination--people unable to imagine the positive impact on society if we were ALL cared for by a public system.
October 21, 2020
Well, for one, we're all far more accustomed to being on Zoom. In some ways, this has been great--I have been able to attend conferences around the world, and groups everywhere are putting on webinars that they would not have otherwise. So the pandemic has brought us much greater access to each other, even though it's through a screen. Obviously, there is the down side to this--much less human contact all around with our friends. I know it's stressful for parents, and it's been hard for parents to get their work done, some of my friends with little kids say their children have never been happier--they get to stay home with their parents all day! No day care. No having to get up early and leave the house. So maybe for the little kids some of this will turn out to be okay. They'll remember it as a special time where Mom and Dad or Mom and Mom were home ALL THE TIME!
October 21, 2020
It's hard making friends in a new place when socializing isn't quite an option. I go out, I walk around my new neighborhood daily just to get out (besides going to the grocery store or running other errands). The main people I interact with are my roommates, and I'm fortunate that we all get along. I take a lot of joy in small interactions, talking to the cashier at the grocery store however briefly, nodding at a woman and her child on the street (it's taken me a while to remember that no one can see you smile with a mask on). Making new friends has been a slow process, but I'm working on it. Trying to talk to new people, keeping in touch with old friends. It's a difficulty I think a lot of people share: people entering schools, new jobs, new living arrangements in new cities.
October 21, 2020
Honestly...it is hard to imagine. I can hardly imagine life before the pandemic. It's strange to me that at the end of my life, only 18 years of my life will have been pre pandemic, just my childhood, and then a small "blip" of pandemic and so much of it "post." But it feels like it will be forever, between waiting on the vaccine, waiting for it to be distributed, waiting to create herd immunity. I don't know what the future will look like, but I imagine masks, much more often. A greater focus on hygiene and personal safety. An increased number of family gatherings and outings with friends to make up for time lost. I am hopeful, and optimistic, even while I wait in this pain and mourning and uncertainty. I wait and wonder, with millions of others.
October 21, 2020
While this has not happened yet and I do not believe it will, if pre-existing conditions do not need to be covered by health insurance, I am literally doomed, financially. i I am a walking pre-existing condition, from having hypothyroidism to having Bipolar Disorder. There will be no way my family can survive with medical bills that I cannot fathom. While I know Congress has tried and tried (Republicans) to take this away, I am hopeful with a new sane president and a big changeover in Congress, that changes will be made to only help Americans at a time when NO ONE should be messing with healthcare coverage.
October 21, 2020
Washington state has always been rather slow and steady when it comes to covid ( except foe the nursing home outbreaks in the beginning) and this is maybe because 75% of WESTERN Washingtonians wear their masks. Not sure what those east of the mountains are doing. BUT like everyone else we are trending upwards, just at a slower pace. I found out that my library system wants to open the doors to patrons soon, and being in a high risk group does not exempt you from being called back. If push comes to shove, I may have to retire early. I love my job but not more than I love my life. And I did not plan on spending my retirement years DEAD or with the debilitating effects of long term COVID-19.
October 21, 2020
Vivimos en un pueblo de 4 mil y pico de habitantes, somos todos conocidos... a esta altura los infectados quizás hayan sido 40, todos obviamente conocidos por todos, por lo cual las personas se solidarizan y se ponen a disposición desde el principio. También hay fuerte presencia de las autoridades locales, hospital y delegación... no hay nadie a la deriva. Al ser pocos casos se los puede trabajar bien. Y las personas particulares, con mucho o poco colaboran, envían regalos y frases alentadoras, se ve todo publicado por redes sociales. Así que mi respuesta es si, las personas se apoyan mucho
October 21, 2020
This is as much of the outside world that I've interacted with in person for the past 5 days since I've been stuck in quarantine in Thailand. Although I am able to call my friends and family all over the world with modern technology, it is still very different from in-person interactions and even small talk with random people at the grocery store could fulfill those needs for me, but unfortunately, I have not seen any real person in the past 5 days. Although food gets delivered to my room, the people delivering the food are instructed to not come in contact with the people in quarantine and thus knock to indicate that food has arrived, and then quickly leave the area outside my hotel door.
October 21, 2020
Slowly gaining my sanity back. The second lockdown is over, and the third is behind the corner. My little one is back in her preschool, the 1st grader is on a private “corona summer school” (about 8-11 first-grade kids and two teachers), since school has not resumed yet. It costs us a 100 NIS a day (about 30$) and it’s worth every Shekel. I made myself coffee, and drank it really slowly. Nothing is really over, of course. And I still don’t get to be alone (my husband is working from home too). But at least I can imagine from here what this regained life is going to look like.
October 21, 2020
We are entering the puja season which is so much about family and coming together to celebrate. It's not like I do that much in a regular year since I don't live near family and I don't live in India. But this year I'm feeling like I really miss it--thinking of how celebrations in India are taking place at such a dangerous time, worrying about family there, feeling even more distanced from my immediate family in the States who have been dealing with isolation for so many long months now. I guess, feeling the need now to connect more spiritually,
October 21, 2020
I’m not sure the pandemic has changed my political views as much as the president’s handling of it, and the way with which information and misinformation and disinformation is perpetuated. It’s like people are walking on the beach and picking up shells like this and reading some oracle of truth to get their information. I understand people are afraid, and in many cases they should be. I understand the country was founded on certain principles like “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. However, that does not mean you get to do whatever you want. There is an implied caveat here...”life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness BUT NOT at the expense of others,” I understand it’s nearly impossible to change someone’s beliefs, so I’ve tried to look for the shred of truth. For example, if you trace back the conspiracy theory that certain leaders are cannibals you can trace back and find that It stems from their partaking of a communion service (which is purported to be the blood and body of Christ) In Africa at the request of a community leader, See cannibals! How silly and desperate to perpetuate this to create this huge divide that’s pitting us against each other. In the middle of a pandemic! I don’t understand wanting to hate that much? It scares me to think what the next few months might become. I want to believe my fellow Americans are smart enough to know we need to heal and find ways to work together if we have any hope for future generations. Or what happens when the next virus comes? Or the one after that? Or the one after that?
October 21, 2020
I gave birth to my little girl three weeks ago.. Just as a 'second wave' was beginning to affect Greece. I have been extremely happy due to the arrival of my beautiful daughter, but I also have a ton of emotions, positive, mixed and sometimes even negative, as is usual in this stage after birth.. where hormones and emotions all run very high. The re-rise of Covid-19 in my country has also affected me quite negatively. I am afraid to meet people, and to introduce my daughter to anyone but my relatives. I don't know how long this will last, which is the scariest part of it all. nor how many victims we are yet to count, globally. I am also afraid that the blow on the economy at this second stage, on a pan-European scale, will be huge. Generally, I am cautious and fearful, but I am also filled with optimism. Perhaps it's because I gave birth to new life, and this breeds hope. I keep comparing our current era to a century ago; the interwar period, which was full of violence, the rise of fascism, and uncertainty. And I think, "it's not as bad as then, at least".
October 23, 2020
On top of all of the previous disappointments associated with the ongoing pandemic, a week ago we learned that my husband’s oldest brother has been diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. It’s heartbreaking for the entire family and doubly worrisome with COVID-19 still rearing its ugly head here, there and everywhere. His siblings and in-laws want to see him, hug him and reassure him. But can we? Should we? Is it safe for him? For us? If he chooses to undergo treatment, will he be isolated due to the virus? Will he fight for his life with only strangers at his bedside? Right now, it is all too much to process. 2020 has definitely been a year of heartache and sorrow.
October 23, 2020
I never wanted to home school. We live in an area with a good public school system and he was happy in school. Then COVID hit. He is in elementary school so I can't just let him do his work without helping him. He's not used to running a schedule. I'm having to interrupt my work often every day. He also doesn't like school as much as he once did. I'm worried that he will stop liking school. He is doing okay with the assignments, but I have to be much more involved than I was planning to be for his schooling. The school is doing a decent job. I just would like some time to work on my own without him here.
October 23, 2020
Our financial situation is fine. My husband already wotked remotely and his office was already in our home. We are older and in good health - a large oral surgery bill was no problem but the dentist who broke my tooth should be sued. We were refunded deposits for a fabulous October trip to Pompei and Capri. I received an artist grant. I would love to plan a mural in our smaller sanctuary at our shul that represents this time period. It may not be literal but whatever is painted will have been dine by artists in a pandemic. Hopefully not to be repeated. We ran a fund raiser for essential workers and received medals. - see picture. We will run a 5k for a fundraiser benefitting a school for autistic students - we are donating to state parks, therapeutic riding programs, native American projects - we are comfortable in our home without financial worries. We wantvto support Essential Workers often - and thank them each time they provide a needed service!
October 23, 2020
My Anatomy Class model comes out every Halloween and site on our bench - this year deciding to wear a mask - let’s all stay safe! Happy All Hallow’s Eve !!!
October 23, 2020
Exhausted The feeling of a swarm of flies buzzing in my head Of my back hurting after working for 12 hours at my computer Drinking some wine to feel a bit better only to find myself sinking down further Into new rabbit holes I didn't even knew existed until I arrived. The feeling of being overwhelmed Constantly drowning in work and trying my best Feeling the sun set with my energy and yet still I must rise To finish working into the next day.
October 23, 2020
I have maintained a heavy zoom contact load in the past week. The connections include several groups that have extended far back in time, pre-covid. I have not bern travelling with my husband anywhere - except one libg day trip to select burial plots in Massachusetts. We love the two plots we selected - and will both be cremated. The lagoon we overlook is near the entrance of the Jewish memorial park and nearby many of my husband's relatives are buried - including his only sibling, a younger sister who died in an accident ehen she was only twenty-one. Back at home, our “Departures” magazine arrived so I decided to create a dream world. Each photograph is from just one magazine: Petra in Jirdan, a Greek island sanctuary, ice bergs in the Antarctic, doorway in the midwest, a throne/ladder art piece, window to nowhere, row biat, tea service, wooden row boat - yearning woman in billowing outfit that is sunlit from a ling side window and the act of collaging brought peace. I shared my collage with zoom folks and members if Write Out during the national write out day, i read a poem on zoom that I wrote - first of my poems read aloud on zoom! I ince Jane Goidhall ifcshe cared to read a piem about her husband in a book she had written. She was lecturing locally and my artwork was on the walls as she read her poem. It was a touching poem as she described how her imagination helps her cope. She looked up after completing the last line and smiled, “No one has ever asked me to read my poem aloud before.” I smiled back in her direction and felt a connection - one that informed me that now in this pandemic, in this tome of great losses of friends who recently died, I would find comfort by sharing my words and showing my collage - so here it is for you to see. My friend who died last March showed a collage in last winter’s art exhibition I curated. I decided to try a collage myself. No civid touches my images, the collage is a safe place where I may travel to anytime!
October 23, 2020
Spent the evening doing my bit to get out the vote. 100 postcards to Maine, using a script from the group Indivisible. I got a mass email today from Barack Obama today, via MoveOn.Org, asking me to pledge to remind 3 friends to vote. President Obama, does writing to 100 strangers count?
October 23, 2020
I think America needs to catch up in terms of healthcare, basic civil rights, workers rights, etc. I think America needs to quit politicizing it’s COVID response. I think America needs to take better care of its citizens.
October 23, 2020