664 entries
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Here in Europe, they've gotten very creative with hand sanitizer. You see these everywhere, at airports, stores, public places, restrooms. It's obviously for the public good, but it's nice that it's simply integrated and accessible everywhere, to help people keep other people and themselves safe.
July 27, 2021
I'm on vacation this week with my husband, in Bandon Oregon. I noticed a temporary sign on the beach loop that said Circles in the Sand. I had recently read about this. It's an occasional thing that a few people do, I guess as an act of love. They create beautiful meditation labyrinths. As I arrived, the man who had drawn it was leaving with his tools. He said it was still walkable, so we scooted down & walked the beautiful moving meditation before it flowed out into the Pacific. What serendipity! Meaningful minutes without a thought of the pandemic.
July 28, 2021
We took my son to an aquarium this week and it was so nice to have an outing to enjoy together. After so long with everything closed, restricted, or too risky, I have so much gratitude for these times when we get to go out and feel normal again. It was also a happy day because my son, who is quite cautious and tends to withdraw from uncomfortable or risky-seeming things, did something that for him was very brave. We were at the touch tank and we kept showing him how fun and safe it was to touch the rays. The aquarium staff explained that they have no teeth and their stingers are removed. But he wouldn't do it, not even once. However, about 45 minutes later, he asked to go back to the touch tank. He put his hands in the water, touched many of the rays, and even fed them a few fish. He was really excited, and I was so proud of him for getting up the courage to go back and try. We had seen some regression in him with the isolation of the past year, but this was a hopeful moment of progress and growth!
July 30, 2021
7/27/21 About a week ago, the kids had something boring for dinner (frozen pizza, I think), and my love made us a really delicious trout with polenta, which we ate on the porch with white wine. It was so good the kids stole bites.
August 1, 2021
This is a bewildering time in the pandemic with conflicting, shifting messages from health authorities and governmental agencies. According to the state Department of Health, New Mexico is 65% fully vaccinated and had been re-opening steadily. Movie theaters, restaurants, bars, offices -- it was wonderful to feel like we were on the upswing. But with the increase in the infectiousness of the Delta variant of the virus, we're reinstating measures. Starting Monday everyone is instructed to wear masks again at my workplace, the University of New Mexico. These signs at the Frontier Restaurant on Central Avenue right across from the University illustrate the erratic feeling of this period. One says, hopefully, "Customers who are Fully Vaccinated may enter without a face mask." The other, larger sign says, "For Dine-In or Take-Out Orders Placed Inside We are REQUIRED to ask you for CONTACT TRACING INFORMATION". It's like they are from two different periods of the pandemic. It's challenging to sort out what rules and norms apply at the moment.
August 1, 2021
I found this memorial someone left on the beach at Far Rockaway and began to think about all the lives we lost this year. So many people have died this year, not all of them from the pandemic but many of them did die from the pandemic. I am thinking about what we are doing to the planet with all our progress. We produce so much trash there is no room for it anymore. Our salaries are so low people who are working still can’t afford housing yet inflation doesn’t stop. Landlords keep raising rents yet many of the tenants are behind in their rent, yet the property taxes keep going up. There is so much going on, the earth keeps spinning, the sun keeps rising and babies are bing born. I should be hopeful and happy yet many days I am afraid. Afraid of the future for me, my children and my grandchildren. I am writing a gratitude journal and am trying to be happy and positive. I made a wedding this year, next week I am making a birthday party for my one year old grandson. We have to celebrate the good times. Life is short, I am making it sweeter.
August 2, 2021
Princesses on the run. For the first time in almost 2 years I boarded a plane and flew to Colorado to be part of my sister's surprise 70th birthday celebration. And, I met my second grand niece for the first time. She is 14 months old. Her sister is 4. This picture was taken a few months ago. The youngest has no idea that she was born during a pandemic. The oldest only knows that she has to wear a mask when she goes to pre-school. But, on this day the only thing that was important was running down the sidewalk in princess dresses. Fear not. The "driveway boundary" was observed and mom was watching closely.
August 4, 2021
Seeing a fully stocked and ignored shelf of Lysol tells me things have shifted. Not only in the way we think about transmission but regarding anxiety level. Also - apparently everyone at Old Navy is allergic to masks. People are acting like everything is totally fine...
August 4, 2021
"WEAR YOUR MASK" says the newest graffiti on the cement wall under an overpass by the trail I walked on yesterday morning. It makes me so sad to see that message and realize that once again it is relevant to our lives. If everyone eligible and medically able to would have just gotten the shot in the past few months, our country wouldn't be in this mess: of overcrowded hospitals and people once again dying of Covid. We all want to put the pandemic behind us and get back to normal: re-start the economy, have children learn in person in school, and socialize without fear. So, why, why, why, when we have the means to do this -- do so many people refuse to follow medically sound advice? My frustration knows no bounds.
August 10, 2021
I’m at the airport waiting to go to Hawaii. We just got our pre-clear wristbands that confirm we are vaccinated & symptom free. It feels strange to be around so many people at the airport. Today will definitely the longest I’ve been indoors and masked. I feel nervous about traveling with the delta variant. I don’t know if I would’ve booked this trip if cases had been as high as they are when we made arrangements. I guess we could’ve rescheduled, but travel plans have quite a lot of momentum & it’s hard to dial things back. We are just wearing our masks, crossing our fingers, and hoping no one in our group gets sick.
August 10, 2021
Doodling this pandemic year Collaging this pandemic time Two women mistake Glacial waters For blue lagoon In Iceland. My dream life hosts glitches We will find the thermal spas Unlike these cartoon ladies In swim bonnets. Or were they headed To compete in Japan’s Olympics? They lost directions Is it this way up the fjord ?? Here in Iceland ?? Silly trumps Sadness
August 11, 2021
Lobster dinner at a wedding - caught and cooked by the bride's neighbor. A lovely experience to be among friends. Yet 5 of the guests at the wedding were not vaccinated. We knew who two of the five were and felt scared not knowing who the three other people were. So we kept our distance on the dance floor and buffet line, and smiled and waved when introduced instead of shaking hands.. I was relieved and happy that the wedding day weather was good so we could be outside for this celebration -- improving the safety profile of this 70-person gathering.
August 12, 2021
This week, I went to a place that I call "the Secret Garden." I hadn't been there in a while, but I brought a friend, and we had a nice time walking around the beautiful grounds. The apple tree is brimming with apples, and we picked a few and sat on a bench and talked. It's the simple things in life that make me the happiest. Being in nature is the best.
August 13, 2021
I only just learned that home Covid tests are available! It’s not clear how reliable they are for catching asymptomatic cases, but it was still a nice security blanket between my husband getting home from travel and being able to take a PCR the next day. I considered stocking up but stopped myself. There was plenty of supply. I was happily surprised to discover the kit had TWO tests, so we’re already prepared for the next time my husband has to travel. Score!
August 19, 2021
Rosie is my constant companion. She never judges me, is always happy to cuddle and is always willing to go for hikes and walks with me when my family doesn’t want to. I can’t imagine getting through the Pandemic without her.
August 20, 2021
Today is Saturday, August 21, 2021. One of the worst things about the pandemic has been the travel restrictions. Today I'm returning to Connecticut (in a car) 🚗 from Fort Washington, Maryland. On Thursday, I took an Amtrack train 🚉 from Windsor, Connecticut to Washington, DC. I miss the act of traveling and I miss visiting people. This summer I was able to visit some people after more than a year of staying home. But, my family skipped a trip to Cape Cod, Massachusetts because the pandemic is getting worse again. Also, my Church suspended in person services starting tomorrow. School starts next week and one of the vaccines may receive non-emergency approval soon. I'll be glad when the pandemic is behind us.
August 23, 2021
My connection To community? Teaching painting Exhibiting my work This connection Was severed by virus One solo show cancelled 3/2020 Two solo shows cancelled 4/2020 My charcoal drawing Years ago New England Art majors in college One talented student Now a new grandmother! The clock ticks My connection? Begin again Paint along lakes Guide new, young hands!
August 27, 2021
We're about a year and a half into this pandemic, and I'm genuinely surprised about what I've learned about myself in that time: I'm not as compassionate a person as I thought I was. There is a subreddit in which people post articles and photos of folks who were publicly anti-mask or anti-vaccination or both, and who subsequently ended up infected, hospitalized, or dead. I have to say I'm surprised at the internal glee I feel upon reading these posts. I'm not proud of myself about this. Maybe I should try to tamp it down. But reading about people who were virulently wrong about a public health matter, and then suffered as a result of their opinions... The worst one was a fellow who did not get vaccinated, got infected, was hospitalized and died, leaving his widow with seven children. Someone commented, "It looks like he didn't believe in protection for any part of his body". I laughed. I'm a horrible person.
September 1, 2021
Celebration of India Day as an outdoor picnic. We felt very wonderful to meet our friends after more than a year. Some friends had put on lot weight some lost weight. It was fun to see our friends.
September 2, 2021
My daughter started school yesterday: 6th grade, middle school. Even though she is in the same school, there are many changes and she was so excited throughout the summer to begin middle school. I am equally excited, but, of course, I am her mom and it is bittersweet. She's growing up and has continued to do so during a crazy pandemic. We have the same sneakers and I took this picture, at her request, just for fun. I was thinking though, what's it really like to walk in her shoes: age 11, 6th grade, middle school, family, friends, just life. I hope my shoes can fit like hers. I don't think they do yet...it's something I'll have to work on.
September 3, 2021