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Apples and honey for the new year....we just finished observing Rosh Hashana. And while it wasn't quite normal, it was far better than how we celebrated the holiday a year ago. Last year, we could only "zoom" for services, and it was just our immediate household for meals. We tried to make it festive, but it was hard. This year, we had the option if we were fully vaccinated and wore masks, to attend services inside. And we did! And it felt wonderful. Many, many people still chose to watch from home, so those of us who were there, were able to space ourselves in the sanctuary. And we had meals with friends and extended family -- outside in our yards. The weather cooperated. Not too hot and no rain. Beautiful blue skies to welcome in the new year. Every year I say to friends and family, best wishes for a good and healthy new year. This year, like last, I emphasize the word "healthy"....I say, may it be a healthier year for all (for everyone, everywhere)! There is nothing more important.
September 11, 2021
Antes de la pandemia solía realizar consultorías que exigían visitar municipios del interior del país. Me gustaba mucho hacerlo porque tenía oportunidad de escuchar los puntos de vista de diferentes personas, además, conocía lugares lejanos. Durante el año de la pandemia, fue imposible encontrar ese tipo de trabajo. Luego, ha surgido, pero, debido a las restricciones, todo se hace de manera virtual. Los traslados al campo son pocos y representan un gran riesgo, ya que mucha población rural no está vacunada. En la foto se observa el Palacio Maya de San Marcos, Guatemala . En el 2018, fecha de la fotografía, estaba siendo restaurado.
September 12, 2021
Went to a minor league baseball game with my family. Kids got to run the bases after the game. Some people were wearing masks, most weren’t. Ambivalent feelings of enjoying a relative normalcy and some concern, especially since kids under 12 can’t be vaccinated yet.
September 12, 2021
Apropo of nothing to do with covid, I'm posting a cute kitty photo today--a little feral gentleman who helped me write an essay last week. Because in the middle of all this death and dying and incessant fighting and horrible politics of the US it's good to take a break and just enjoy the peace and calm of a kitty cat!
September 15, 2021
Another Rosh Hashana at home with just the three of us, but this year we couldn’t blame it all on Covid—lack of planning was also to blame. We both are working from home is great, but it has us both running a bit ragged and somehow despite having saved all this commuting time, there is still no time to think and plan. I suspect the general state of alert and Covid anxiety contributes too, but it seems like the days pass by so fast and suddenly POOF there’s a holiday we forgot to make plans for. Still, it was nice to bake a couple of rounds challahs, one for us and one for a neighbor who also celebrates. My matzo ball soup isn’t as good as my mother in law’s but it was still tasty and no one complained!
September 15, 2021
Food has become more casual. There seems to be less desire to spend as much time preparing meals. I guess my enthusiasm has diminished. One upside however is that I am making more bread than usual and sharing it with family and friends. I have made bread for years, the traditional way, a bowl to mix the ingredients in and kneading and shaping by hand. No mixer or bread machine. I started years ago after reading an article on stress and how bread making was recommended to women in Britain in WWII as a way to reduce stress during the blitz. It is a good stress reliever, especially the kneading and punching of the dough. The end result is rewarding and there is nothing better than fresh bread out of the oven. I have even got grandkids over to help on occasion. They love to punch the air bubbles out and shape it into loafs and often saying “take this Covid!” as they pound the dough. Good therapy with a good result.
September 16, 2021
Last year the New Mexico state fair was not held due to the pandemic This year the state fair returned I went with my friends who adore the state fair Everyone attending had to show proof of vaccinations it was the first time I had to show my vaccination card Once we got there it was a relief to know that everyone (except the children) had gotten their vaccinations People still wore masks when walking around in buildings and also outside But what a relief to be able to walk around freely It felt like a vision of a post-Covid world
September 21, 2021
Big kiddo's 2nd (annual?) outdoor movie screening birthday party. Projector, collapsible screen, temporary subscription to Disney Plus to watch the movie of choice ("Luca"), lemonade, cupcakes, 7 packages of microwave popcorn served with a ladle in little red and white striped boxes, piñata from Target filled with all sorts of crap (before sundown), darkness. Boom. She LOVED it. When the movie ended early, we turned the whole thing into a dance party, and the kids had a blast.
September 23, 2021
Back in March 2020, I created this fictitious magazine cover for a hypothetical publication called "Covid Monthly" and shared it with my friends as a joke. At the time, I included the issue month of September. It seemed impossible in March 2020 that the pandemic could last until September of 2020, and it was meant to be humorous that it could go on for that long. As we know now, it got much worse in September 2020, and here we are now in September 2021, still trying to fight that hideous monster.
September 24, 2021
I got into board games before the pandemic. Some of my friends were evangelical, right- and libertarian- leaning. Before the pandemic, I could mostly overlook their political views because we had a shared history and we liked to explore the world of board games together. During this pandemic, I haven't gotten together with them at all. First we were all staying home, and then after vaccinations were available, I am not sure they got vaccinated. Also, they have children too young to be vaccinated. I have a feeling they would be okay with me coming over to play board games, but I wouldn't want to run that risk. At least that is the excuse I tell myself to avoid spending time with them. I do still check in with them by phone, but our friendship has suffered from not being able to hang out together face to face. I've found new friends to play board games with. These friends are adults who are vaccinated. They also fall more in line with my own liberal/progressive political views. I enjoy my time with my new friends, and try not to feel regret about my old friends.
September 27, 2021
Happy Autumn! I enjoy the cooler temps, sweaters and making hot soup and chili. I plan on going to a few smaller festivals, but avoiding large crowds!!
September 28, 2021
Ultimamente tenho conseguido retomar as atividades físicas e fazer passeios ao ar livre, ficar observando a natureza... Desde que meus pais e minha namorada foram 100% imunizados contra a covid-19, tenho me sentido mais confortável saindo de casa (com todos os cuidados, claro), embora eu só tenha tomado a primeira dose. Espero que a sensação de segurança aumente cada vez mais com a minha imunização completa e da população como um todo, porque por um tempo isso foi bem difícil. Só saía para suprir as necessidades básicas e, ainda assim, sentia muito medo o tempo todo. Ainda tenho muita insegurança e incerteza quanto ao futuro, mas fico feliz e aliviada de ver que as campanhas negacionistas e de desinformação não foram capazes de tirar a confiança do brasileiro nas vacinas. Isso traz esperança de que a vida comece a melhorar.
October 1, 2021
I've spent the last few days updating and repacking our family "Go Bags" in case of disaster. My living room floor is covered with flashlights, tarps, and crank radios, plus a hundred other things we might need if the Big One happens. None of it, though, is useful in our current disaster. How could we have been more prepared? Is it fair to even ask that question? Four members of my family have had COVID. One of them died. Another almost did. The other two were very ill. What could we possibly have done to predict or prevent that? Now we have a vaccine, so dammit people, get your shot. Apart from that, i just don't know.
October 5, 2021
Well I can't believe we are leaving summer behind and fall is well underway. I went to the seawall and walked this past week. I love the ocean. It was windy and there were small waves. It helps me to forget about the pandemic for a brief time. Today I am heading out to White Rock to meet some friends and will again be by the water.. So glad I can socialize more and not be so isolated. Today for the first time i have to use my vaccine passport to go for lunch in a restaurant. It came into effect a week ago and I'm glad … because they are screening for unvaccinated people, it allows the majority to do more things and society doesn't have to shut down now that our case counts are rising. Its a good thing.
October 6, 2021
Today, for the second time in just over a year I'm traveling from a country--Spain-- where I've watched people do what they're asked: wear a mask, distance, and this time, get the vaccine, to flatten the curve. When I arrived in Spain in early July they were in their fifth wave, as they call it, cases rising and hospitals filling. Only 30% of the people were vaccinated because they had just started. Now, the last day of September, almost 80% of the population is fully vaxxed. The cases have plummeted. Some regions are fully opening up, although still requiring masks. On the train to Madrid yesterday, everyone wore a mask. No complaints. This picture basically says, "for you and for me" always wear a mask. To me it represents such a cultural difference from the US, where I'm from. It simply says "we're in this together" and people understand that. They might complain about restrictions, but the follow them because they understand that society is a collective endeavor. Today, I'm heading back to the US and dreading it. Back to the country where people think individual freedom includes the right to infect others. Where people are still pouring into emergency rooms with covid and asking for the vaccine. Where people still think covid doesn't exist.
October 6, 2021
I look out my window morning, noon and night and see the Manhattan skyline in all its glory… despite cloudy days or rainy days and better yet on glorious sunny days or brilliant pink and orange sunsets… the city skyline is a majestic sight. This daily testimonial reminds me that the city survived the terrorist attack of the twin towers of the World Trade Center on 09-11. I console myself that although there are now many store front windows boarded up and many small businesses have closed, that New York remains a thriving city with a will to move forward. It helps on days like yesterday when I read that our country has lost 700,000 people to Covid. It helps on days when I read that 100,000 of those 700,000 died after the Covid vaccination was available and many of those deaths could have been prevented if people had chosen to be vaccinated. It is a tragic tale and more tragedy awaits us…but the sight of Freedom Tower lit at night or reflecting the setting of the sun or barely visible on foggy days is a reminder that nothing is over until it is over.
October 8, 2021
10/9/21 Key pandemic skill: fort-building. Also: playing together and entertaining themselves. Pre-pandemic we were well into the playdate stage with our older kiddo (now 9); not quite there yet with our younger one (now 6). In the past year and a half we've done playground meet-ups, back-yard get-togethers, playdates at the community pool, etc. -- but the kids have still had to spend lots of time entertaining themselves and each other, especially since we don't allow much TV/screens. They've gotten pretty good at it.
October 8, 2021
I haven’t written in months, so no I’m not living up to my potential. This photo reminds me of all the conflict that surrounds this pandemic. So many sides- each stuck, firmly grounded yet blowing in the wind… it was supposed to be over after we masked and social distanced and got vaccinated… we missed, birthdays and holidays and weddings and funerals…. but we got impatient and it started… mask or no mask… get vaccinated or refuse to get “jabbed”…shun those who are unvaccinated, then shun those who are… blame the government for not solving it and then blame them for mandates and telling us what to do…draw the line at whatever “they” say is wrong and a lie… the duplicity and hypocrisy drives me nuts… when one side suggests something it’s great when the other side suggests the exact same thing the answer is no! We are failing ourselves, and I’m not feeling hopeful. Too many people are angry and fearful and are more comfortable there in their righteous indignation, then trying to find a solution, especially if it seems someone “might” get something they don’t have… it’s very disheartening…
October 11, 2021
This week was amazing. For the first time in 20 months, I was really able to spend time with my mother, who is in a nursing home. Finally, all restrictions have been lifted. Whereas before, we had to make appointments and our visits were limited to half an hour, now we can come and go as we please. It's allowing me to meet the other residents, get to know who her friends are, and spend time with her that's not rushed. On Monday, it was her birthday and my brother flew in from Boston to DC. We bought a cake for her, expecting just four or five people, but everyone on the floor came! (So we had to cut the pieces really small). Anyway, it was a great party, my mom was really happy, and everyone loved the cake. It was amazingly normal. This is a picture of her friends at the table wishing her a happy birthday and saying thanks for sharing the cake! Today I went back and spent two and a half hours with her. We had a picnic lunch, and just hung out with my daughter and her puppy, who my mom loves. It was really fun. And so nice. Amazing how the small things feel so good after all this time. It's nice to finally feel good about something after so many months of anger and frustration and fear!
October 11, 2021
We traveled by plane to San Diego this weekend. The whole traveling experience made me really uncomfortable. The airport in San Diego was too crowded for any social distancing and so many people seemed to be wearing their masks inappropriately (noses out) or poor quality masks. The up side of the trip was going to a concert at San Diego’s new outdoor symphony venue. I love that life feels so nearly normal, even in a crowd, when we can be outdoors!
October 14, 2021