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I won't lie - it felt weird walking through the doors of the Getty Museum today in Los Angeles. Perhaps what made it so strange was that it felt in some ways like I had just been there. The last time I had ridden the tram or admired the artwork was February 15, 2020. Just mere weeks before the end of the normal world as we knew it. Yet here I was today with my family. It was interesting to hear their perspectives on the California lifestyle. Most of them live in Texas where they can roam free while the other half live in Seattle. I loved how they talked about how intolerable the mask rules were here - as if I hadn't mentioned it countless times on the phone with them or if I saw them in person. I guess it's one thing to tell someone and another to experience it firsthand. I am curious to see what California looks like in three days when the mask mandate supposedly ends. For some reason I remain doubtful that things will change - i.e. that I'll see more maskless people. I keep waiting for the governor to step in and go "um, nevermind, I'm not lifting the mandate even if I'm being recalled." In many ways, the Getty was exactly the way I remembered it - the vastness of it, the gardens, the artwork. Today, I loved the Vincent Van Gogh "Irises" painting - full of life - vibrant. Something I hope to experience in the future - full of life. In some ways, I have lived like dormant flowers - waiting for the spring to arrive so I can burst into color.
June 15, 2021
This past week I walked along the waterfront with a friend, luckily it never rained. Our restrictions are slowly easing up .. now bc movie theaters are opening and we are allowed to travel within our province. I still have another 8 days till I get my second shot. So hopefully by mid July i can go to restaurants inside or outside …it will be so nice to do sonething for a change.
June 15, 2021
I took this photo in Berkeley, California in late April of 2020. There was so much thoughtfulness and loving humor that went into the notice and the message it conveyed. This is one of many signs that people tacked up on telephone poles and bulletin boards during the pandemic, offering help to others who might be at a higher risk of infection. My spirits have been lifted every time I’ve seen these signs of people willing to take some risk to help their neighbors.
June 17, 2021
This past weekend I was able to visit my brother and his boyfriend at their new place in NJ. They had been living in Manhattan and decided, after years of talking about it, to move. Their condo is amazing and the area where they live is fabulous. On Sunday, we went for a walk to Liberty Park. It was 90 degrees and I did not bring my water as I had no idea how far it would be. Seven miles until we got home!! We stopped and I chugged a gatorade. While the turning around part of the walk was painful, going was great. The breeze felt nice and it is always great to see the Statue of Liberty. The whole weekend felt rather normal. People out and about, some with masks, some without. I was just glad to see my family and visit while there was too much time when visiting was extremely dangerous. It was a good weekend and a calming one, well, with the exception of the death walk!
June 18, 2021
Today we painted rocks and it reminded me of things we used to do when we were stuck at home early in the pandemic. Crafting at home is much more fun when we can also choose to be out doing other things! This little project seems to represent a turning point for us. So much of our life feels normal again because all of our friends are vaccinated and we can spend time with the people we love.
June 20, 2021
This is a vax site near my house. It's been there all week and been empty like this. This makes me so sad. And angry. We (USA) are sitting on so many vaccines and people here are not taking them, while all over the world people need them. My sister in the UK JUST got her first shot and has to wait until Sept for #2. My friends in Spain, still waiting for theirs. A friend in Ireland still not vaxxed. Never mind what's unfolding in Latin America and what's about to hit Africa (Can you say Delta Variant?). I can't wait for the vaccines to receive full authorization so that places can mandate them. Methodist Medical in Houston did the right thing, terminating the employees who wouldn't take it. Medical workers not getting the vaccine!!! Crazy!
June 22, 2021
Pandemic Task: Consider good memories Take all running medals Our of their drawers In the attic. Mount all marathoning Medals in large Shadow box. Three more shadow boxes Fill with shorter races. One more box will go elsewhere Now all good memories To savor each day Reminders of one couple Who ran together Montreal? Alles madame!! Athens Greece? Chariots of Fire? Boston Marathon One week before our Ct wedding !! Boston Marathon After six months chemo? Essential workers: 1/2 marathon Virtual ! Together! Last Pandemic Fall 2020. Good memories We had the time The medals hold love.
June 23, 2021
A sign in Frankfurt airport after we arrived from the US ... ours was one of the only flights checking in, and there was NO ONE ahead of us at international security as we checked in for our flight. Felt really eerie. ... The UEFA European championship is going on right now, and seating apparently is really limited in some places like Munich, but tonight we saw footage from Hungary where the stadium was totally packed. Unsurprising with Orban in charge. Later this evening on TV we saw an hour of performances from the Elbjazz festival earlier this month, and one of the performers was quoted talking about how great it feels to finally be playing live again -- but we couldn't tell from the broadcast whether there was an audience there or not. I'm thinking no. ...
June 23, 2021
Why is everything so hard? This week, a friend came out to visit. She didn't even stay with us, but the visit was exhausting, expensive, and time consuming. Have I forgotten how to be social? This photo is from Meow Wolf in Santa Fe. She said it was the best thing she did on her trip, so I was happy about that. But to me the day was stressful and unnerving at the same time. Too much of my mental space is taken up with comparing how things used to be, pre-Covid, and how they are now. It seems like everything before was easy and cheap. Going out now there are roadblocks and barriers. It's aggravating, but of course there is no going back. I have to figure out how to be grateful and happy to be able to do things at all.
June 25, 2021
Pandemic made me creative in cooking, singing,crotchet and many more. I am in different healthy food blogs. I love to decorate my plate with various colorful fruits and vegetables.
July 2, 2021
Homelessness was already a problem in California before the pandemic, but the economic impact of the shutdowns mandated to curb the spread of the virus has pushed many people who were just one paycheck away from disaster out into makeshift tent dwellings on the streets of Berkeley, where I have been living during the pandemic. Over the last 15 months, the number of tent dwellers living on the streets of Berkeley has steadily increased. Mercifully, the City has chosen to leave them alone, and has set up port-a-potties and hand-washing stations near the largest groups of tents. My heart goes out to these people whose economic situation, often due to circumstances beyond their control, has made their lives so difficult. I am outraged at the approach that many other jurisdictions have adopted toward their unhoused residents. My hometown of Santa Cruz, for one, regularly gives tent dwellers a 3-day notice to move (to where?), then confiscates any belongings that haven't been moved, and for the most part, dumps them in the landfill. The eviction moratoriums in some areas have helped many people who would otherwise be on the streets, but our government, at all levels, needs to do a lot more to address the underlying economic inequalities in this country, which have been both exacerbated and highlighted by the pandemic.
July 2, 2021
This past week I time traveled to February 2021. That's at least how it felt in Mexico City, Mexico. The call came abruptly last week - that I needed to travel internationally for work. If I had my way, I would not have left the country in 2021 - while some of my friends have been itching to leave, I've been devoid of that emotion. I'm actually content staying in Los Angeles where things have finally turned in the right direction. But I told myself that this was a "good opportunity" for myself. Go and make an impact. The leadership team will see what you did. So I went and it was everything I expected it to be. When I arrived in Mexico City, the mask mandate was still in effect - temperature checks happened everywhere - in the hotel, in the office building I went to and in some stores. I had to wear a mask nearly every waking moment of the day because the people I needed to meet with were unvaccinated...not my choice but because the government has not expanded eligibility to their age group. It was a stark reminder about how the United States's position differs from the rest of the world. My first morning at breakfast, the man socially distanced from me mentioned he was Europe but had flown to Mexico City so he could get a vaccine in the United States. And when I arrived back in the United States today, literally the first sign I saw was the photo above. Again, I found it ironic because the United States forced me to jump through hoops to emigrate back - get a negative COVID test within 48 hours of arrival only to offer free shots at the airport. We are giving shots away to foreigners but people in our own country don't even want to get vaccinated. What boils my blood is those people unwilling to get shots who mess with my life. So, in summary, COVID messed with my life a lot this week. I have never been so thankful to be back in the United States.
July 2, 2021
Daylilies bloom for just a day. After that they wilt, their petals limp and collapsed, sometimes weeping. I pluck the spent petals and toss them on the ground where they will melt into the soil, food for next year's blooms. They often stain my fingers when I snap the spent flowers from their long stems. But for one day, they are glorious. These three flowers from Red Pinnacle seemed to celebrate the 4th of July and the lifting of Covid rules. Will we bloom for just a single day, pumped up and shiny new only to wither quickly and return to social distances and half hidden faces? I'm afraid we are coming out of safety into a dangerous world, divided, overcome with false pride, and weary of inconvenient rules.
July 12, 2021
I'm fully vaccinated and its been 3 weeks since my last shot so I have as much protection as i possibly can have. My son has had 2 doses of Astra Zenica and his wife has had 2 doses of Pfizer. My husband, daughter and I have each had 2 doses of Pfizer. So my little family is done for now…. Who knows if we have protection against the new emerging variants… time will tell.
July 14, 2021
It is the first time we come back to nyc since our last visit on March 2020… When we visited then I was the only soul wearing a mask in Nyc… now a lot of people use it. We are happy to be able to go out and enjoy a trip like this. Our daughter is staying in NYC for a month, and sharing an apartment w 3 girls… one came back yesterday from a trip to Miami and very soon she reported she tested positive… so mi daughter went to get tested, thank god she is negative and she began using a mask as if it was a part of her body, she wears it constantly. Mi brother who lives in Colombia w his wife and 3 adult sons has lived trough a very difficult week… A. tested positive, he passed it to P., and finally M. got it… so 3 out of 5 relatives got infected…after months and months of confinement. Such a difficult time in Colombia simply because the vaccines are so slowly being offered to the general public. I regret I dis not invite the family to come over to get vaccinated.
July 15, 2021
We are having a hard time getting back to a normal tech-life balance in our house. Screens have been such an exaggerated part of our lives for a long time now. With lockdowns and things being closed and playdates so infrequent, as well as digital school for a while, we've let technology like video games and Netflix take a larger role in our daily life than we normally would have. Everyone has just gotten used to that as the default entertainment option. It can be hard to even remember what we did all day during the summer before the pandemic. We are working on breaking bad habits like binge watching and cycling from 1 screen to another, but the number of hours we all find ourselves using tech is still pretty high. Especially on a rainy day like today.
July 15, 2021
I like the word liminal. It's from the Latin word limen, threshold, and it means the ambiguous zone between two states of being. I like the way the word sounds, and I also find it describes situations I often find myself in. The beach is liminal, with tidepools that are sometimes wet, sometimes dry. Fog on the mountain is liminal. Airports are liminal. Some life phases are liminal. Adolescence is liminal. We are experiencing a liminal phase now, with the pandemic receding and our post-pandemic lives forming. Transitions are exciting for some people. I don't always enjoy being in a liminal place. Uncertainties unnerve me. But it's sure not boring.
July 19, 2021
This week I wanted to relax and watch the sunset from the window. Sometimes I stress over my youth days not being as exiting and fun as my parents once did.
July 20, 2021
Home? Post pandemic? Grandchildren are in mind My home is in their hearts We paint long distance Sent an easel Each new painting Sent to us Wallpapers The home in my heart!
July 23, 2021
Something worrisome now is we are having a drought and a heat wave. Weve gone from a state of emergency of the pandemic to replacing it with wild fires. The province is on fire right now … a whole town burnt down s week ago.i tell you its been one thing after another this last 18 months. All the bad things going on: 1. Overdose crisis 2. Covid pandemic 3. Terrible smoke in august 2020 due to wildfires in California, Washington and Oregon 4. Moths by the 1000’s 5. Drought in July 2021 6. BC Wildfires in 2021 Its bad having to deal with so many things at once.
July 23, 2021