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This week the UK government added a 5000 pounds fine to the consequences of people who try to go abroad without having an good enough reason to do it. Apparently for now that's gonna last till June 30th, and my company has officially said that they'll use the furlough scheme for longer if they need to. I don't know when I'll get to see my boyfriend and family again.
March 26, 2021
Days just blur together. If I didn't look at my calendar almost constantly I would not know what day or month it is or what I need to do today. There is a sameness to everything. My "work" is managing the home which doubled in size when Covid hit. Instead of just my husband and I, we now also have my millennial son, and 95 year old mother in law. I also have a number of volunteer activities, all now conducted via Zoom. I use to have the house to myself during weekdays; now I share with others, and am constantly searching for the best quiet place to work. I'm also constantly planning meals and grocery orders. We have gotten into a rhythm of sorts, and it is certainly easier now than in the beginning, but still it feels never-ending. Everyone does chip in, but still I miss going out to dinner and not having any dinner dishes. More importantly, I miss not having to take into account so many other's needs and wishes. I rarely feel "alone" here in the house. So, thank goodness, for long walks. Spring is truly finally here, and we will be able to use our patio once again, which will expand our house, and work area. The wifi works out there and sometimes one of us will take our laptop and sit outside for meetings or work. Two of us are vaccinated and hopefully the rest of us will be soon, also. In a few weeks, my mother in law will return to her home a few hours away. And in a few months, my son will start a graduate program elsewhere. Then the household will shrink in size, and we will establish new work patterns again.
March 26, 2021
I submitted one of my digital abstract expressionist artworks to an exhibit in White Plains New York. One of my three submissions was accepted. This is the Statement of Work I provided with the artwork. Statement of Work COVID-19 and the Presidential election have profoundly changed our lives. I use an iPad to create digital abstract expressionism. I studied Art History at Cornell University. I gravitated to the Abstract Expressionist artists. My artwork is an expression of my subconscious. Faith and hope are sustained by leveraging the creative side of my brain. Art and music are part of my family history. My grandfather owned two music stores in Latvia. My father escaped the Nazis by coming to America in 1939 to see the New York World's Fair. My mother survived the Nazi occupation in the Riga ghetto along with her 2 brothers. They survived by singing for the Nazis who would protect them because they entertained the Nazis. Only 1 in 10 Latvian Jews survived the horror of the Holocaust. I consider myself a Latvian Unicorn. I channeled my sorrow about the Holocaust into the creation of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.. ... The conditions of a pandemic that arbitrarily spreads a virus reminds me of the Holocaust and how much luck factors into survival. My abstract art captures my life, particularly when stress becomes more prevalent. We all require self care and creative projects give meaning to our lives in this unprecedented time. ...
March 26, 2021
Mostly, yeah. By now I have some quality masks. I still avoid being around people if I can, though.
March 26, 2021
Yesterday I got my 2nd Fauci ouchie!! I am greatly relieved. Other than going to get the vaccine, I've still been inside the whole week. One little exception -- on the way home for getting the vaccine, I went through the drive-thru at Krispy Kreme to take advantage of their generous offer of a free donut if you have a vaccine card. I felt like when I was little & I would survive a dental appointment, & my mom would take me to a soda fountain for a milkshake. Two more weeks of isolation & I'm out of this apartment!
March 26, 2021
People around became suddenly more anxious with the pandemic. Some of them just open up and started to confine in me as the others just became withdrawn. Also in my family, we have the feeling that we've seen each other too much because we've lived together for more than a year without a single real break. There is an oppressive atmosphere at home we're not able to delete as we can't get out, hang up with people, see other things now.
March 26, 2021
rather than fatigue, a depression. definitely, pandemic depression.
March 26, 2021
March 26, 2021
March 26, 2021
Almost 3 million people have died globally since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. I think we have become acclimated to these numbers - somewhere we lost tract that these are real people, families torn apart. Over half a million of these deaths have occurred in the United States - the richest, most powerful nation on the planet. What does this mean?
March 26, 2021
Had a discussion with my boyfriend,VA, today about how covid has affected us over the past year and I realized that we live in 2 completely opposite worlds. I live in a world where I am an essential worker. I have worked through the entire pandemic treating patients in person and virtually. I have had to deal with the emotional burden of patients losing family members, and wondering every day if I would get the virus and bring it home to VA. He has lived in a world where his company shut down immediately and started working from home. He transitioned teams several months in and have never met his coworkers face to face. His days are lonely but at least our dog keeps him company.
March 26, 2021
La Semana Santa en mi país es un tiempo muy especial. Se desarrollan gran cantidad de eventos religiosos como las procesiones, pero no solo eso. La Semana Santa es un tiempo en que las personas salen de sus casas y conforman una comunidad , por ejemplo, al elaborar alfombras de aserrín para las imágenes que pasan en procesión. Es un tiempo en el que colaboran niños, jóvenes y adultos. Algunos hacen las alfombras, otros proveen comida gratuita a los que trabajan. Los mayores les enseñan a los niños como hacerlo. Se trabaja hombro con hombro. Es algo que difícilmente se puede ver en otras circunstancias. Se trabaja durante horas, de madrugada, hasta ver el amanecer. Y el resultado es una obra de arte, bella, que desaparecerá en segundos bajo el peso de las andas. Las imágenes que salen en procesión representan actos de fe y devoción en quienes las cargan. Las devociones se trasladan de generaciones en generaciones en una misma familia. Las personas compran flores y las echan en las andas, se emocionan al verlas pasar. Es tan fuerte la vivencia, que es necesario experimentarla para comprenderla. Una señora amiga nuestra que murió hace unos años, durante su agonía, decía: "Ya viene el cortejo, ya va a salir la procesión". Así de fuerte se interioriza. La Semana Santa es un imaginario lleno de tradiciones, leyendas, gastronomía, arte, música, y por supuesto, religiosidad. El Covid-19 nos quitó eso. Desde el año pasado no ha sido posible tener una Semana Santa como solía ser. Es algo muy triste que creo nos pesa y nos duele a muchas personas. En la foto pueden ver una pequeña alfombra de aserrín que hice en mi casa cuando nos visitó una imagen pequeña de Jesús de Candelaria. La elaboré como una forma de intentar consolarme. Pero la verdad es que nada compensa la ausencia de las tradiciones de Semana Santa en mi país. Nada.
March 26, 2021
As a result of the pandemic, I have felt an appreciation for life in a way I haven't felt before. I'm very appreciative that I have been able to sit in my comfortable chair and read for a good part of each day. Other people don't have that luxury. I am old and retired and I am alive so I am very appreciative of that. Things could be so much worse and I know that.
March 27, 2021
I feel a deep sense of grief about the traumatic experiences so many people are having with food insecurity, job loss, being trapped at home with abusers, the boredom and depression, COVID symptoms etc. All that compounded by the overt racism toward people who are black and brown, Asian and Pacific Islanders, LGBTQ. After devoting much of 2020 to electing Biden and a Democratic majority to Congress, I am exhausted and wondering how to have an impact in 2021 -- how to use my time, power, voice and money to best effect. America's scars from our original sins against indigenous, enslaved and abused-indentured populations have become open wounds -- infected by White supremacy. As a middle aged White Mom I feel a moral obligation to do whatever I can to try to make things better -- accepting the smallness of my life and my obligations to the future.
March 27, 2021
Waiting for flights across the miles Waiting for beaming, unmasked smiles Waiting to savor each embrace Waiting to kiss a grandchild’s face
March 27, 2021
The coronavirus is making my life a living hell. I am still in high school and I have little siblings. I have three little siblings. The oldest little sibling goes to school every day so that's not an issue for me. But my younger little siblings are between the ages 2 and 5. I don't want to give a specific age in case you can make the ductions or anything like that. But those two don't go to school every day. My youngest has daycare but the other one hasn't gone to school since the pandemic started. So I am at home by myself with my younger sibling trying to focus on school work and I find it very hard. End on bad days my younger sibling and my other sibling stay home and when they get together they're absolutely awesome. I love them No, but they can be a pain in the butt. During this time my mom works with my dad, they go out every day and do work. So I'm with the children until they get back. I don't find it nice to complain because they are trying to support us and complaining isn't going to help them. But for right now I'm just struggling to do my school work. I'm having a hard time with school and keeping my grades up. It's very hard to do my work. I'm very unmotivated and I don't know why.
March 27, 2021
The country has started to reopen a bit. But it doesn't really change my life. One of my jobs decided not to rehire me because it does not need part time staff because of the restrictions. It seems really strange that Denmark is opening while the countries around us and the rest of Europe seem to be reentering lockdowns. I worry about that a lot. It makes me feel a lot less safe. And I can't really seem to make sense of it rationally. There'll still be restrictions. We have to carry covid certificates stating whether we have gotten the vaccine, have had covid, or have been tested in the last 72 hours. If we can't live up to any of these requirements, we're still affected by restrictions. So I will still be affected. My life probably won't change because as a student in her mid-twenties, my life doesn't seem to contribute to what is necessary for the economy or society to function. And I know I should be happy that I will not be forced to risk my life on a daily basis, but I also really need to do something, to help with something, to contribute in some way
March 27, 2021
As I mentioned in the previous question, I plan on quitting my job. It's a great risk, and I'm not entirely sure I'd have enough savings to sustain me before I land another job. I've been working at this travel agency, a call center, for over 3 years now. I thought I'd stay for only a couple of years. The job is stable, and even during furlough I was lucky to be receiving a paycheck, albeit reduced. But the job goes against my values in travel. They're still booking cruises, for example, which was a major spreader of covid last year. The company is for-profit, which means it's for mass tourism. I feel like I'm part of the problem being there. My job is mainly at the flight desk where the stress-level has skyrocketed, but this is probably true for all departments. For the most part, I do customer support fixing flight bookings, but also assist with resort and other reservations. It should be an easy job being on the phone 8 hours a day, but the back-to-back calls are insane. . . I thought I'd stay at the job for a year, maybe two years. I had planned to quit last fall to visit family in Asia, even trek the Anapurna Trail. That didn't work out, needless to say, because of the pandemic. My plans for travel this year are more limited, as my funds are also. So, the job is a major source of anxiety and unhappiness, but quitting is also.
March 27, 2021
I see the need more than ever for some kind of universal health care for everyone. People have been devastated by this illness. They should not be devastated financially as well. We must also make voting easier. My husband and I took advantage of absentee voting, early voting - you name it - we tried it this past year. The country should make every effort to make voting easier, not put barriers in place -as is happening in Georgia at the moment.
March 27, 2021
This week I saw my oncologist and was able to do some planning as to where we go from here. Having finished chemotherapy, I am able to finish the chemo cycle and look forward to scheduling an appointment for a Covid vaccination. This will give me some reassurance abut gradually dropping some of the restrictions I have been following for the past year. However, for me, as for others - perhaps more in my age range - that 'return' will probably be gradual. I see large crowds of people - mostly much younger than I - out at the restaurants downtown, and think that I don't have any desire to be in the middle of that. In truth, though, even before the pandemic, that's not a scene that I would often join. But because of the season, being outside is appealing, and I think that sort of restaurant setting would be acceptable. I am encouraged to see the number of vaccinated people increasing, and also the desire by so many more to be vaccinated. It's a good trend and seems to signify a real turning the corner in attitude and aspiration.
March 27, 2021
I've embraced the Libertarian party or at least what I understand the Libertarian party stands for. Both Republicans + now Democrats are power hungry + not interested in helping people. Just looking to score political points + play the blame game. Biden seems completely disconnected. I never trusted elected officials to do anything right + now I am convinced they are the worst. Only the WHO + theCDC could screw up and make me doubt science.
March 27, 2021