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El año pasado tuve problemas de insomnio. El confinamiento solamente agravó dicho insomnio. Sin embargo, desde agosto, que fue cuando me tuve que mudar a la casa de mi mamá, he mejorado mucho mis ciclos de sueño. Actualmente, logro acostarme a dormir más o menos a la misma hora cada día. Todavía me levanto en la madrugada para ir al baño una o dos veces, pero logro seguir durmiendo. Incluso hay días en los que duermo de corrido hasta el amanecer. Me levanto a la misma hora cada día. Es decir, ya logré establecer una rutina. Mi mamá me ayudó mucho para lograrlo. Además, el cuarto donde duermo (mi cuarto cuando fui niña y adolescente) tiene oscuridad total cuando se cierra la cortina. Lograr dormir de forma normal me ha ayudado mucho en relación con mi salud. Creo que tengo mejor ánimo y más capacidad para trabajar. Cuando tuve que realizar el trabajo que me pedían en un lapso corto, una de las reglas que me propuse fue no desvelarme. Trabajé muy duro todo el día, durante muchas horas, pero no sacrifiqué las horas de sueño. Antes, cuando no lograba conciliar el sueño, me dedicaba a trabajar. Enviaba archivos a las tres o cuatro de la mañana. Pero ya no lo hago más. También es cierto que la interacción con personas extrañas o fuera del círculo del confinamiento, me altera tanto que después no puedo dormir. Me ha pasado. Es algo en lo que todavía tendré que trabajar para que no me afecte.
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
Me da mucha ansiedad y malestar ver tantas personas a mi alrededor que no respetan las distancias como antes. Desde que se levantó la cuarentena obligatoria parece que todos se tomaron muy a pecho la vuelta a la "nueva normalidad" y no respetan nada, ni los carteles en los locales que piden una restricción de personas adentro, y ni hablar del espacio personal; me ha pasado que me saluden con un beso de mejilla casi a la fuerza a pesar de no mostrar indicios de querer retirarme el barbijo para ellos, me saludan con el barbijo de por medio y todo ¿Es tan difícil respetar mi decisión de seguir manteniendo distancias? No es obligatorio volver a lo de antes como si el covid19 jamás hubiera existido. Todavía está ahí, y mi mamá es de riesgo. Por favor, permítanme cuidarme y cuidarla! No es tan difícil, ignorenme si es necesario.
March 23, 2021
Since last March, the world has had the harshest light yet shown on global health inequity. As frustrated as I am not to have been vaccinated by my HMO, Kaiser, which covers 20% of California's population, there are Brazilians, South Asians, and Mexicans who should get the vaccine before me. When I was a kid growing up in DC, I loved my country. I was raised to believe in government. I still do, but what a beating my faith has taken. Trump took a battering ram to public health and left unprincipled governors to let their people die. It's this moral injury that is a pox on top of depression and anxiety, something that no anti-depressant can treat, like the final straw in the loss of one's innocence. I can go without stuff. And I don't get food, restaurant or groceries, delivered here, for lots of reasons. If a friend comes over I now to push myself to behave well, to smile, and nod, and listen, and respond appropriately, because this isolation is eroding these skills.
March 24, 2021
I finally worked up the courage to make appointments with my diabetes doctor and with a Gyn doc. This f- pandemic has wrecked my blood sugar, between the stress and irregular meals and weight gain and lack of a gym - and yet I feel ashamed, I’m the one who gets all the blame for my health. Now I’ve run out of my diabetes medicine, thought I had 4 more refills but I don’t. The doc won’t refill til they see me, but they won’t see me for another month. This is my life. Moms in the hospital again with bleeding, she keeps calling me crying and I find myself getting short with her. I suck as a daughter. I’m gonna try to get my son in for the vaccine now that the state opened it up to everyone. Hope you all are doing better than this.
March 24, 2021
I don't think my political views have changed, but I believe that I've been faced with how bad some situations were and how uninformed I was about other people's and communities' realities. It has made me painfully aware of how deep inequalities are entrenched in our societies, and how hard we need to work to find solutions and effect meaningful change. It's made me realize how privileged I am to a degree that I had never truly processed. Although motherhood a few years ago had started this reflection in some respects, the pandemic has brought to light how urgent action is needed to solve many of our society's deepest issues (gender equality, racism, classism, police brutality, etc.) and how I need to be part of that change if I want my kids to live in a better world.
March 24, 2021
The pandemic itself became political. Masks are political. When the shut down first happened my salary was cut by 25% and there was high risk of getting furloughed. I was claimed as a dependent in 2019 by my parents so I did not qualify for any of the stimulus money or the additional unemployment money. I was terrified of losing my job and having no way to survive. Republicans fought the whole time to decrease stimulus money and restrict government aid. They wanted to give people less money, wanted to reopen society completely and did not encourage people to wear masks. How could I not change my political views?
March 24, 2021
You might have to look closely to see it, but this is a photo from inside of our car windshield. on the left side you can still see the orange mark where the vaccination site staff wrote the time of my vaccine on our windshield with a glass marker so that everyone would know when it was safe for us to leave.
March 24, 2021
I had some really fun zoom calls this last week. It's weird because in some ways I'm more in touch with friends and family living far away than I ever have been before. Also, I got a standing desk which I really love. I can't stress enough what a blessing it is to work from home. I absolutely LOVE it and I hope that I could do it forever and forever. The day I have to go back to the office I will cry and get truly depressed.
March 24, 2021
I think we have moved even more quickly into a virtual reality because of the pandemic. I am afraid my teenaged son won’t care to interact with the larger non-virtual world again once we are able to do so. It makes me sad for his generation.
March 24, 2021
With two mass shootings in the last week, I am feeling intensely sad and even a little fearful. Is any place safe? A spa? A supermarket? a church? Why are our lawmakers reluctant to take decisive steps? Can anything really be done, i.e. will more strict gun safety laws mitigate acts of senseless violence? Can we accurately spot potential violent offenders? Or, is this the American way and are we destined to go down in history as a barbaric people, mindlessly killing each other for no reason, our leaders turning away? I am haunted by questions like these. I pray. I journal. I meditate. I try to make a difference in my own circles, the only difference I CAN make. Yet I weep for the victims, feeling utterly powerless and hope that my silently whispered prayers will somehow comfort the survivors. The world can be so cruel.
March 24, 2021
March 24, 2021
March 24, 2021
My mom has Long Covid symptoms worsening in the last week. Probably kidney failure. She lives in Kentucky and we live in Oregon, so I’m bracing myself that we might not get to travel home safely soon enough to see her before she might die. So much uncertainty around her symptoms, her refusing to seek care for them, and traveling now that more people are getting vaccinated.
March 24, 2021
I am not a Van Gogh type of person: I cannot be creative when I am depressed. But I have tried to do two things consistently throughout the pandemic: walk and read. These are the books I am currently reading. I also read the news everyday but I am trying to break that habit. I find myself in tears often - for instance, the continued assault on black people by racist police; reading that 10 people were shot in a supermarket; the attack on Asian Americans.
March 24, 2021
Sí. La última vez que estuve cerca de personas desconocidas fue en el supermercado. Al principio, estaba un poco nerviosa, porque una chica andaba por los mismos estantes que yo y yo sentía que se estaba acercando demasiado. Finalmente, desapareció, pero me puse un poco tensa. Traté de ir al supermercado un día y a una hora en la que sé que llegan pocas personas. Así que no habían muchas. Lo que hacía era que si alguien estaba en un pasillo, yo tomaba otro, y hasta después regresaba a buscar lo de ese pasillo. A pesar de esta terrible paranoia con la que me comporto para mantener la distancia, hubo un gesto amable de parte de una señora que estaba atrás de mí en la caja. La carretilla se trabó y no podía sacarla hacia afuera del pasillo de caja y ella, amablemente, me ayudó a destrabarla. Creo que la gente en mi país siempre trata de ser amable y ayudar.
March 25, 2021
I guess if anything the pandemic has helped myself and my family affirm that we support government that supports the people, whether federally or provincially. Mistakes have been made and agreed that some folks have slipped through some cracks but compared to the U.S, I really have no complaints to make. Universal health care, fast tracking of COVID support payments and quickly closing the southern border really helped make a huge difference. Oh and taking this pandemic pretty seriously from the start helped too...seeing how some provincial governments dropped the ball (Alberta, looking at you here) has made it clear we need to continue to support good governance and helping each other. I know some people point fingers at my country and call us “Socialists” but damn, at least we try to care about each other and that’s been reflected in the much lower death rate versus some countries who consider themselves “Capitalists” first, in my opinion.
March 25, 2021
March 25, 2021
March 25, 2021
We had a funeral service for my uncle this morning over zoom. I listened in to monks talking in Mandarin and chanting. The chanting made me cry. His soul was departing and traveling to its next destination. It reminded me of when my dad died, and how precious that whole process was, and how precious this was for my uncle.
March 25, 2021
Here it is Spring again, and for the second year I am watching my garden develop in much the manner it did a year ago, which brings the fact of a whole cycle of seasons gone by without family contact into finer focus. This is the hardest part of the pandemic for me - loss of family. This past week I got my second vaccine, which I feel fortunate to have received - freed, in a way, to not fear the virus for my own health so much, and it also makes me more nervous that my kids haven't yet been vaccinated, which is almost a role-reversal - parents should be able to look out for their kids' health and safety above all else, but this time I have no control over it. I hope their turn comes soon.
March 26, 2021
There are several cases of coronavirus that have effected my family, luckily none of them fatal. My oldest brother’s oldest granddaughter contracted the virus. She attended [... college] in Michigan where she was put in quarantine for 14 days and then returned to her dormitory. So far no lasting effects, I have a maternal cousin who contracted coronavirus while bar tending at the American Legion post in W.. She also had a mild case and has since returned to bar tending, Another cousins son contracted the virus and survived with a mild case. These cousins came from both sides of the family and I am hoping I am partially genetically protected given these outcomes.
March 26, 2021