2775 entries
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I was planning on making a career move. The market froze and I was needed in my current role. Not necessarily a bad outcome, but definitely not where I thought this year was going to lead!
August 18, 2020
I am just so tired. This isn't about getting enough sleep, this is just complete exhaustion. I need a new crisis. :)
August 18, 2020
At this point, it just feels like more of the same from one day to the next. My spouse and I were recently talking about how easy it is to lose all sense of time during the pandemic. Since we're so limited in our activities, it seems like one day just blends into the next. It's hard to discern something that happened a week ago from a month or two months ago. I realize this happens anyways, but it's much more drastic while we're going through the pandemic. I enjoyed seeing a clip from Colbert's show recently which showed him taking of pages from a day calendar that read "March 12" and he keeps tearing off pages, but they all read "March 12." It's very funny, but sadly this is how it feels - like we're all stuck on the same day.
August 18, 2020
I miss wandering. I used to spend my weekends walking through the city, finding new buildings and plazas and people watching. I haven’t even been into the city since early March. I’ve walked circles around my neighborhood a million times. If I had a car, I could at least safely get out into the wilderness a bit more. Maybe it’s time to start saving for one.
August 18, 2020
Nunca he sido de muchos amigos de tener demasiada gente cerca de mí, pero los últimos días me he quedado completamente solo, sin contar a mi familia claro, que es un soporte fortísimo en mi salud mental. Sólo platico con ellos, pero con gente externa en esta última semana ha sido nula la interacción. De alguna manera me pone triste, pero sé que todos pasamos por momentos difíciles y pues cada quién tiene distintas formas de sobrellevarlo. En varias ocasiones he sido yo el que se distancía y por eso creo que es normal y que está bien a pesar de que, sinceramente, es bueno tener con quien platicar/hablar de cualquier cosa; hace esto un poco más llevadero contrale a alguien lo que nos ocurre en estos días tan atípcos. Está bien, de todo corazón creo que está bien ya que me permite valorar más mi compañía, cuestionarme, entenderme y conocerme más.
August 18, 2020
... by far the most creative thing I'm doing today that I was not doing at all before the pandemic is keeping this journal. ... When the pandemic began to effect CT and the USA earlier this year, it felt like such a momentous occasion, probably the biggest event I have ever personally experienced (as I've noted in prior entries), and I wanted to consistently record what it was like for myself and for my future grandchildren (if I have any). Its been fun to think about my entries and what I find important each week. I like to go on your website to see what others are experiencing -- so different from my own experiences in that many people have lost jobs or loved ones and I have been very lucky in that regard. I still can't believe my 83 year old, wheel-chair bound, stroke-victim and brain-addled mother not only survived COVID but was completely asymptomatic! I feel blessed everyday for that. Its also interesting to see how my journal entries reflect the mood and experiences of a small, rural, mainly white, New England town with extremely low COVID numbers, and so are very, very different from the mood and experiences documented by other people and communities in this country and around the world on your website. Its reminded me of the tremendous variety of life experiences in the world. ... Perhaps more importantly, you've also given us a chance to share and preserve what we've written which is really important. ...
August 18, 2020
My son lost a tooth and wrote to the tooth fairy asking for a very particular mask case (we’ve found glasses case to work well for that). I find this both hopeful and disheartening. Hopeful that he has seamlessly integrated pandemic living so matter of factly and without apparent trauma (at least in this case). And then disheartening for the same reason. But all over hilarious.
August 18, 2020
To be brutally honest, I didn't face it. I volunteer at a local recovery community center, for people recovering from addictions of various sorts. And that puts me in (partial) charge of people who don't properly wear their masks, don't like all these new rules, and will gladly express their opinions loudly, as though they can just intimidate me in that way to let them get away with their shit. And I never do, but it's fucking tiring to remind patrons multiple times to just keep their mask on, or remind the professional staff and other volunteers to do the same. So I gave up last week. I told them I was not returning to volunteer until I could control my anger. And I still do not have great control, but instead I have limited my hours, so I work at it. But I am not baking down and letting people bully me into not taking this shit seriously anymore.
August 20, 2020
Because people are 🤬 That was my first thought. Ignorance, disregard for anyone other than themselves and complete lack of common sense is killing people and ruining or negatively affecting the lives of everyone else. I know that places like NJ are seeing lower numbers as we are more strict but honestly - who I am to judge other states where numbers are higher? Leadership makes a huge difference and that is why I believe NJ is doing better than some. The culture where I live seems to follow basic rules but I will tell you - after hearing stories of lifeguard parties at the beach where attendees get sick (lifeguards!!) and the voices of entitlement on the YouTube Board of Education meeting in my town demanding they pay less taxes if their kids are not in school full time. Stupid and ignorance is everywhere and given the chance it will thrive. COVID is never far behind.
August 20, 2020
We have so many lessons to learn. I question why/how folks can believe the pandemic is not a problem. I wonder what must happen and how one's life must be touched by COVID before each person can assume responsibility for taking care of self and others. As opposed to having answers, I just keep having questions.
August 20, 2020
I have been thinking alot about death this week, and I know that it's not healthy, but I don't know why it just keeps coming up before I go to bed. I think about my mom and my grandma and how much I love them, and I can't stand the thought of them passing away. Before the virus, whenever I thought about birthdays, getting older, or even the prospect of death, I didn't think of it with the element of fear and dread like I do now. It's like my mind had been tainted by the thought and it obscures my celebrations of everything good that's been happening to me lately. I am the type of person to understand what happens in the end, but use that at a positive catalyst to enjoy my life without a backdrop of fear. However, either due to the all-encompassing nature of the virus or my own corona scare, it seems like a feint black veil has been placed behind the stage of my life, and I sense it more and more when I have good moments. Before I could see the good and celebrate it, but now it seems like there is the nagging fear of death behind every celebration.
August 21, 2020
As I look at the wall in my room, I notice a large sheet of unlined paper I pinned to the wall from an artbook of mine. On it, I wrote the names of 5 of my close friends, along with the title "Post-Corona Plans" with a stylized crown on the side of the letters. Next to each of my friends' names is a briefn list of activities to o after coronavirus is over, some say travel, some refer to specific restaurants to visit, and others are activities like hiking. I made the list sometime around April or May, about a month or so into the start of the virus becoming so prevalent in the country. When I wrote the list, I assumed that at a hard date when the pandemic was officially declared 'over,' I would be able to do all of these things with my friends. However, as I look at my list now, with some items being crossed off, others crossed out, I realize that my list is serving as a metaphor for how the world might open up, how it already has, and how the pandemic will come to an end in the future. Some of my items have already been completed, such as hiking while maintaining proper distance, and going on a birthday road trip with a friend after we both tested negative for Covid. I realize that the end of the pandemic won't be the difference between black and white, but a soft gradient of an end, with restrictions being lifted slowly over time until one day, we'll realize that things have gone back to normal after months or years of things easing down. I hope that as things continue to open safely and slowly I will be able to complete all of the items on my list soon, as the pandemic made me realize how much I value the times with my friends, and I really can't be away from them for much longer.
August 21, 2020
My cat is due her rabies shot and is a requirement where i live in senior housing or I could be evicted from apartment My vet requires that I arrive by car and wait in car while they give cat shots and a checkup I DON’T HAVE A CAR. I posted the problem on a private Facebook group, which I created for my first cousins, and asked for help The cousin who volunteered Is my least favorite cousin but accepted the offer. Feel I have no choice .
August 21, 2020
One Obstacle that I have faced during this Pandemic is Lack of Sleep, because I was thinking about how the virus started and if there will be a quick solution to this problem. It has been so stressful to say the least! My mental state was so fuzzy, due to thinking about how life would be If I got sick with COVID. Things will not be the same.This lack of sleep or insomnia had an effect on my studies. I was used to being physically present on the college campus. This provided me with the surety that I could easily ask for clarity when I was unsure of the subject matter being taught. This opportunity was not readily available when I needed it. It was very difficult for me in the beginning, but my mother's words of encouragement pushed me along. I learnt to email my professors and wait for their response, sometimes which was not immediate.This is how I literally understood the phrase," Patience is Virtue". Indeed this was a lesson to learn the hard way.I prayed and worked very hard to get to this point!
August 21, 2020
Today was the first day of work back in the school building. Everyone seemed like they were trying to be upbeat and positive...and it was nice to see friendly faces. But no one wanted to be there. There were utterances between individuals of fear and uncertainty. The paras I am working with (and I) found out today that one of the two classroom teachers we will be working with this year started quarantine today. She hadn’t had direct contact with anyone with COVID, but someone in her household had. So far, we don’t know of anyone else at our building going into quarantine.
August 21, 2020
I have previously felt hopeless because all night I could not sleep for at least three day since this pandemic hit the US. This Pandemic can really make a person think so much along with the many lives lost in the midst of this pandemic, on the news I have a front row seat to the recent cases and casualties that has taken the lives of innocent people. I believe that people should not be punished by this pandemic because life is precious than any material thing, This Virus knows how to wipe us our permanently, As seen on the news many people may result to suicide drinking Alcohol and other drugs, all of these substances lead to depression and the end of your life. unwanted Stress during This COVID 19 infectious disease outbreak can sometimes cause the following: Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones, your financial situation or job, or loss of support services you rely on. Changes in sleep or eating patterns. Difficulty sleeping or concentrating. Worsening of chronic health problems. Worsening of mental health conditions. Increased use of tobacco, and/or alcohol and other substances.
August 21, 2020
I always feel nervous going outside, especially on my way to work, but seeing the flowers in neighbors’ gardens as I pedal by on my bicycle reminds me to stay optimistic. With all the tragedy on the news, these flowers still decided to grow full of color and light, and I think we humans might be able to do that someday, too.
August 21, 2020
I have to get a steroid injection for my lower back this week. I fell over a year ago and that resulted in a bulging disc that is pinching a nerve. I was actually very lucky. Although I was scheduled to receive it in June, I was feeling well since I had not been working. I work in retail, therefore, I am on my feet for several hours per week which can exacerbate the pain. I knew that when I started taking two Aleve, twice per day, that it was time. I was instructed that I would need to have a COVID test 2 days before my injection, which I was glad to hear. It is a major hospital in CT, so no big surprise about the test and I was relieved to get it done. I was not and am not concerned that it will be positive, given how I and my family have followed guidelines. I can be an anxious person but for some reason, leading up to the test and waiting in line did not make me feel anxious at all. Weirdly enough, while I sat in my car, listening to Green Day, I felt "normal," while also noticing how surreal the actual experience was. The sign directing the line of cars, people in head-to-toe safety gear with clipboards, people waiting in their vehicles. After I checked in and pulled forward for the actual test, I felt comfortable and safe. I am aware of the many types of COVID tests available but did not know which would be used. I honestly didn't care. People complain about the "massive Q-Tip" that is shoved in your nose, touching your brain and I didn't quite understand the big deal, considering the alternative. I did have a massive Q-tip stuck up both of my nostrils and it was done. It was not a big deal and the man who did it was professional, friendly and had his system of conducting the test perfectly established. I drove away, seeing the long line of cars and felt as if this was a normal part of anyone's day, as if it is simply something that we do. Hours later I was wondering if my radical acceptance of that experience was a positive, negative or something else. I decided it's a mixture: a blending of a lot of colors and temperatures...just like any life experience can be, just like any day can be.
August 21, 2020
After spending time without power or connectivity, having 'just' the pandemic concerns felt like life-back-to-normal. Wearing a mask - no problem. Social distancing - no problem. Now we wait and watch the return to school and its impact. Fingers crossed that it can be well-managed.
August 22, 2020
I have not personally been economically impacted - yet. I am still employed full-time. But part of my job involves helping others find resources to assist with their financial situations, and so every day I am very aware of how many people have lost their jobs, or cannot leave their homes due to preexisting conditions, or whose businesses are failing or close to failing. The assistance provided by the government is not enough. So many people are falling through the cracks, and when the eviction moratorium is over it'll be even worse. Unless the government takes strong action, which it seems they aren't going to, we're all fucked.
August 22, 2020