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There is not one individual on the face of this planet who hasn't been affected by this pandemic. Our immediate reaction was to panic. It was to stock up on toilet paper. It was to go out for coffee and pretend like none of this was happening. We did this out of fear. We did this out of ignorance. Now, the world is coming to life as it realizes that it is truly homebound. This sparks a lot of negative feelings of despair. Therefore, I've been finding ways to channel hope. ... Taking pictures is essential in the 21st century. ... So, being the 18-year-old I am, I snapped some pictures. ... "Well," I thought, "If toilet paper is back and Dunkin' is open, maybe the world isn't ending." And the truth is, it isn't. There have been pandemics before us and there will be plenty after this one. Humans are just going to have to adjust and make the best of it. Documenting these small, mundane images serves as hope for me. As I watch the dandelions grow beneath my feet in this ever-changing season, I realize that COVID-19 is not the end-all. I realize that, even in the face of hopelessness, there are small ways to channel faith. It all depends on your outlook.
June 30, 2020
I am tired. But I know that I shouldn't be, that I don't have to be and that I can't be. Not when there are real people suffering and working and dying. Not when there are real people on the streets trying to make this country better, trying to make the world better. Yet I am stuck indoors, waking up around noon, playing video games, and trying to get some work done before the semester begins. The least I can do is not feel tired, to get going. The A/C is on all day because it is so hot outside. It makes my head muggy. I can't breathe well and I can't think straight because of the headache. But I think of people who REALLY can't breathe, so I try to suck it up. I try to just do something at home. Then again, who am I to care about the US? It is not my country, it is not even my adopted country. I am nothing to the US and so perhaps America should be nothing to me. Even though I spend time educating its students, when it comes down to that, America will abandon me, the foreigner, as soon as it possibly can. Thanks for your contributions we did not ask for. As I wrote this, my girlfriend just came into let me know that F-1 students will no longer be allowed to take online classes and stay in the US. See? I was right.
July 6, 2020
This past week I was back on service. This was the second week on service in a three week stretch - on/off/on. Three weeks ago, my service was predominantly psych cases - I felt I was being asked to practice psychiatry, which is not my specialty nor a specific interest. This burned me out. I spent the week in between with belly pain - ultimately diagnosed with an ovarian cyst but I do believe much of the worsening of the pain was due to stress. Then back to the hospital - this time long hours caring for patients who may never leave the hospital. I miss the sense of accomplishment with which I used to leave my job. It feels like I'm living in a hamster wheel - trying my best to keep up but just running in a circle. And missing that connection and sense of accomplishment from my work.
July 6, 2020
I have seen so many live in fear due to this pandemic. Anger and depression is on the rise and no one is doing anything about it. People are just bathing in the anger and drowning in depression. I do not fear this pandemic but I do fear for my children, for these days are filled with negativity and I do not know this world we live in.....
July 6, 2020
I have never in my career worked non stop on one item. Yes, there are other things I tend to but they are, perhaps, 20% of what I spend my time on. We are incessantly working to create a new normal for ourselves and our students. That is actually fascinating when you have to completely rethink all that you have done routinely but unrelenting at the same time.
July 6, 2020
I insisted on taking time off during the holiday weekend. It was critical and so important for me to be offline and enjoying time off. I slept better and benefited so much from the time with my loved ones. Need to preserve that release moving forward!
July 6, 2020
I am feeling angry at all of the selfish, ignorant people who won't just wear a damn mask. For the people who HAVE to go to brunch or Starbucks or wine night or a party or the bar or anywhere that isn't essential. So many essential workers are literally risking their lives just so people can go out to eat. And then there's people who think Covid is a hoax. Or that wearing a mask makes you sick. America is really stupid and it makes me sad and angry.
July 6, 2020
The way COVID 19 has affected me last week was the fact that I have experienced hearing about death more than any other time in my life. Those who unfortunately lost their lives to police brutality, COVID 19 and even situations where guns and affiliations are involved. All my life I never seen this much chaos happen so rapidly and is something that has made me think about my future and those whom I love and how I like most people out there want to progress and have a secure bright future. I stay home although I do take my walks outside and exercise here at home but the deadly shootings that have been happening lately across the boroughs have made me rethink about walking since I don't feel safe to even put some headphones on and jog without having to swivel my head from time to time. I believe that many people living in low income have gone through so much that they have being fed up with so many hatred and despair that it makes them feel like is "normal" to do what they do. Some are aware of what they do but the adrenaline and other reasons control their actions and then others aren't aware of it but still commit the wrongful decision since they have nothing to lose living in such poverty that makes them sick and oppressed. In one end is understandable in another it ain't but till then the inequalities have to get stabled in order for many people to progress and have better lives and security both in themselves and around them.
July 6, 2020
It's been a huge challenge working from home and not having the in-person contact with colleagues and students like I would normally have. We've been doing our best to stay connected online, but it is a challenge, and not the same as in-person. It's also been a challenge to learn new technologies. For example, there are so many different platforms that can be used for working together online - Microsoft Teams, Skype, Webex, Zoom. It's been a little like drinking from a firehose and trying to figure out how best to use these resources, their limitations, etc. Which one do you use?? Sometimes, you have a choice, but depending on the group you're working with you have to adjust to a different one. I've been trying to jump in and just use them, learning haphazardly as I go along. When possible, I do try to sign up for workshops, or read through/watch materials I find online so I can better understand these resources and how to use them. I've been using remote desktop to be able to access my work computer from home (so I still have access to our shared drive and other files on my work computer). However, sometimes the connection doesn't work and I have to go to campus to restart my work computer. So far, that has worked to resolve the problem, and I know my colleagues have been having the same issue sometimes. Our team at work will often joke to try the "good ole restart" when something isn't working right. Most of my colleagues are pretty savvy with technology, but for a couple others I know it's been a huge challenge. Also, depending on what kind of internet we have at home, that can also make a big difference. I think we all try our best to be patient with each other and realize that technology is a great resource, but it's also not perfect and presents it's own set of challenges.
July 6, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has affected my father because he is a fireman which means he there with the first responders. This makes him at high risk of getting the coronavirus a lot of my dad's friends that also work at the firehouse have gotten the coronavirus. One of the women that work with my dad got it so bad that she was sent to the hospital. She was there for two weeks. My dad was not allowed to go into other firehouses. He had to wait outside in the truck for the whole day. My dad took the antibodies test twice and it came out positive. He also took the Coronavirus test and that came back negative. Every day my dad was so worried that he would bring the virus home to his family. He was so stressed, nervous, and paranoid. Thank god my dad didn't get the virus and no one in the family got it either.
July 6, 2020
This week I have been feeling very angry at the south part of the United States... here in NY we were very obedient and worked hard to reduce the spread of COVID-19. We got it first and worst of anyone else in the country-- it makes me mad that we were able to get it under control while the rest of the United States acted stupid and now their stupidity could affect us again. I am also really angry with the president Trump. I HATE HIM SOOOOOOO much. I blame him and the Republicans for this mess we are in now. NY could be fully reopening if it wasn't for the rest of the country's stupid denial of science and medicine and refusal to wear masks. Sometimes I wish NY could separate from the rest of the USA. If Trump wins again I must move out of this country-- it is going down the drain and it makes me more upset than I can express. Now we are banned from Europe!?!!! So freaking sad and pathetic.
July 6, 2020
I’ve rediscovered the rose garden park nearby. I’ve started going there pretty often, I’ve been there everyday for the past 3 days. It’s like I’m rediscovering people. It’s so nice to be around people of different ages, backgrounds, abilities. Seeing them run, read newspapers, hold hands strolling, sit i the grass on blankets, take pictures, walk their dogs, play with their children, speed walk. I miss people. Lately, going to this park feels like being part of the world again. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very connected to online spaces like groupchats and social media. Yet, being physically in space with others is a whole other level of excitement and possibility.
July 6, 2020
The situation is pretty.... bleak? For my friends. Maybe challenging is the word. For those who aren’t going to graduate school in the fall, everyone (except 1 person) is unemployed. They had jobs lined up but then the programs were cancelled because of the pandemic. Or They couldn’t find a job. Or they couldn’t find a job relevant to their degree (being underemployed). My friends are all middle or upper middle class and have decent relationships with their family, so they have comfortable homes to sleep in and food to eat. Though I wonder how others who aren’t so financially secure or emotionally safe are faring. I hope people give the class of 2020 a break.
July 6, 2020
My family is very lucky and privileged to be able to self-isolate and social distance. My husband can work from home I can look after our daughter. Before the pandemic, I was looking for work because we just moved to the state in January. Now, I do not expect to find a job anytime soon nor do I expect to be able to place my daughter in daycare. We have enough money to eat and still buy things we want. I feel guilty because I know so many people are now not able to afford basic needs. My mental health, and my husband's as well, has declined. I have experienced intense anxiety and depression that are directly related to the pandemic. I know my husband is also struggling with depression. I started struggling with insomnia in March 2020 and I have tried a variety of prescription sleep aids. To help, I've invested in a few pieces of home exercise equipment and working out about 4 or 5 days a week. Exercise has always been the effective way for me to reduce anxiety and depression. I have also started therapy, which is virtual and one more thing that I am privileged to afford that many others cannot. The overwhelming thoughts that things are not normal, that we cannot go about life like we want to or would normally, sometimes pull me down. There has to be time in the future when we can return to what we did before but I also know that this will become a common occurrence with climate change and I have a hard time thinking about living in a world that looks like this often.
July 6, 2020
I trust more of my personal life because sometimes what you see or read from the news is sometimes wrong or they only let you see one side of the story and not the whole thing. Recently with all the stuff showing what cops are doing at the protests and how they are harming and hurting the protesters. If you look at it the news doesn't want to see the good cops that actually care for the people and believe in what the people are protesting about.
July 6, 2020
Although I am still working full time, my job has been significantly impacted by COVID 19. I am a social worker who has my own practice, mainly seeing young adults and adults, particularly new moms, in an office that I rent. On 3/13, Governor Baker declared a State of Emergency for MA. At that time I needed to scramble to get a platform from which I could conduct counseling through tele-health. Shortly after the State of Emergency, Baker announced that all insurances operating in MA needed to reimburse tele-health at the same rate that in person visits are reimbursed, paving the way for health services, including mental health, to continue. Not being particularly adept at technology, getting a healthcare platform up and running was really challenging. ... Most of my clients chose to continue to meet with me virtually, although a few opted out for the time being.There were some snafus in the beginning, primarily due to weak internet, such as the sessions freezing so I was missing actual content of what people were saying, not being able to hear or sometimes see clients, etc. ... I greatly prefer working from home. The picture included above shows the view of the little desk I work from looking into my back yard, and most importantly, our cat Zelda who is a frequent companion while I am working. My dog sometimes visits, which is also fun for me, and I believe my clients, who have asked to meet him. I like the extra time working from home has created in each day, allowing time for more cooking, yoga, reading, seeing our pets and my husband. There are many unknowns, however - should I keep my office, which I am still paying rent for and not using? If I decide to go back to my office, when will it be safe to see clients, protecting their health and my own? Will insurances continue to cover tele-health after the pandemic subsides? If not, or at a reduced rate like pre-pandemic, would I make enough money to help pay the bills? Would my clients want to continue through tele-health, or would I lose most of them? Etc, etc. ...
July 6, 2020
I’m in a house with an abusive mother, I can’t leave.
July 6, 2020
Working two online jobs is fun but also extremely draining. I'd much rather be working with my hands in a real-life setting. There's something about the blue light that gives me headache and makes me drowsy. I hate sitting at my desk for hours but I've been finding ways to improve my little workspace. I moved my desk to the nearest window so I could get some natural light. This in itself has been keeping me motivated and reducing my headaches. I love looking out at the trees beyond my laptop because it reminds me that I am human--not a robot. It's easy to feel like a robot when you work online. ...
July 6, 2020
I think that there has been ... communal helping going on, although I personally do not feel like anyone has actively reached out to me. One of the local community centers has turned into a food bank and soup kitchen. There are people posting on FB and other places of free food delivery; people volunteering to go shopping for others; shops giving discounts to those who need them because they lost their jobs. ...I hope that some of the systems implemented will stay in place to continue to help those in need and those who might have 'fallen through the cracks.'
July 6, 2020
What's affected me most this week is two things. Firstly I had to do a resit for university to pass and get my degree. I found this a weird thing to do as I haven't had to do any exams for so long, also everyone else had already gotten their degrees and gotten registered as a Podiatrist so I was feeling left out. Secondly, my flatmate who had been in lock down with me since March has now gone home so it is very weird and sad without her here. I hope to go home next week, so for now I am just enjoying where I live and going on my favourite walks before I go home. However, I am nervous about going home. Will I be able to hug my parents? Or should I distant myself? When will I be able to come back to Edinburgh? these are all thoughts that I've pondered over the last couple of days. It will be so nice to be home though, so I am excited. Here is a picture of one of my favourite walks around Edinburgh.
July 6, 2020