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Derek Chauvin was convicted in the murder of George Floyd today. It's hard to think about anything else, including COVID. It's interesting to think about how something could loom even larger than the pandemic. All adults in the US became eligible for vaccination yesterday, and I was expecting to have to wait months for a vaccine appointment. I was able to secure my first shot for just over a week from today, and I'm excited. I feel like I'll be able to breathe a little easier once I'm fully vaccinated. I'm even hopeful for a short trip out of state to visit a friend. I'd be terrified to get on a plane without being vaccinated.
April 21, 2021
I haven't written anything in a while because I don't know how I feel or what I think. I've been alright, I've been happy by myself which has been really freeing. But I'm also going slightly insane because my mom and stepdad are the only people I see. My stepdad has cancer and its pretty bad. There's just so much death everywhere. It's too much. I'm more scared of getting covid now than I've been at any other point in the last year. I think it is because the restrictions are being lifted, and it just feels like too much too fast. We can gather 50 people outside now, yesterday we could only be 5 people together. There's going to be a party outside at my university housing complex. I'm so terrified. I'm obviously not going. It can't possibly be safe. In two weeks a bunch of exchange students are moving in. That scared me so much too. I didn't used to be this scared or feel so overwhelmed so quickly. But I do now. Things are happening too fast. One of my jobs has reopened and I'm going back to work. But customer service just seems so unsafe too. I just feel like there is danger everywhere and I'm not sure how to deal with it. I'm tired of uni. I think about dropping out at least once a day.
April 22, 2021
I'm finding it hard to stay motivated and go on with my days. We are anxiously waiting for our turn to get a vaccine and it is frankly testing the limits of our resilience. I caught myself searching for remote options, such as whether it was possible to get a vaccine out of the country... I was really feeling desperate. It's also difficult to not feel left out when a lot of people around us become eligible or have even had their full two shots... It's been tough. I feel like the mental fatigue and physical tiredness is weighing on me a lot more these days. It feels like we're so close, yet so far. It's very tough to remain strong. I am sensing that my limits are stretching very thin.
April 22, 2021
If there is an increasingly loud call to reconsider outdoor mask mandates, how will it impact overall mask wearing compliance? I'm truly scared that people will think they no longer need to be diligent. Or that they need to wear masks indoors, with people from other pods/households.
April 23, 2021
This is the scene on 15 April 2021 at the Times Union Center, downtown Albany, during my post-vaccine 15 minute waiting period. This is my second vaccination (Moderna). I bumped into an old friend who was volunteering at the site, and she gave me instructions for signing up to volunteer. My wife also signed up. We have yet to volunteer, but we're looking forward to it. I imagine it will be guiding people, maybe doing intake, etc.
April 23, 2021
April 23, 2021
April 23, 2021
I'm really missing social activities. This pandemic is very hard on us extroverted introverts. I want to snuggle with my friends. We have a girlfriends gathering scheduled in a few weeks because everyone will be well past their 2-weeks post-vaccination point. I am so looking forward to it, but also terrified of having an unmasked event because I'm so not used to that any more.
April 23, 2021
My finances have completely been messed up snd I feel my profession has been really hurt. I am not sure I will be able to pay my fees and remain a massage therapist and not sure I want to either with wearing masks and having this hang over us so long. I feel I fell in the cracks and if it were not fir my husbands job our family would have been severely affected. I have had a trickle if clients and that has helped somewhat as well as some money from the government. I am confused if I still can get any. I do not have sick days or ei. Its a tough one
April 23, 2021
I actually broke down and got my first vaccination shot. I still don't trust the government, Dr. Fauci especially, or anyone who stands to gain financially either from the manufacture, distribution or patents on the process. I think that we as a planet have been "had." But I got the shot because a) vaccine passports will no doubt be required by some companies and transportation industries, and I want to be able to see my distant family members, and b) people seem to be quite militant in their opinions, and even though I'm not afraid of the disease, I AM afraid of mob mentality. Will get my next shot 2 weeks from now.
April 23, 2021
Mourning my own as I gaze upon the English mourning The pandemic stole my right to mourn I remained huddled in my home My friends Were buried on zoom. My colleagues, friends, advisors Passing after shutdown March ‘20 And yet a year later I sought To set aside a memorial moment. In lieu of wakes and shivas Along with my in-person hugs I sat through Prince Philip’s service Mourning all my losses in a royal setting Taking time for silence and grief Thank yous for the Royal Family For this moment set aside to grieve. I engaged with the service, half listening, My own departed held no titles,no heraldries Philip’s honors appropriate for queen’s mate. I was gifted the time to observe and reflect Upon dear friends some younger than he They had died, as he, untouched by covid. I sat before the flat screen and mourned Remembering each friends’ kindness, each one’s care. The army-green Land Rover turned at Windsor gates With a bear skin helmeted officer standing in salute I marked the passing month by month of friends And on this day I transformed the regale spectacle Into my own service remembering my own losses Internally I stood in salute and prayed for each My own special persons, grateful for this timely solution.
April 23, 2021
I don't know. I have no idea. I think I'm starting to forget what the world felt like before this. I can't imagine what it will be like after. I can't even imagine that there might ever be an after. At least not anytime soon.
April 23, 2021
I thought I would share this photo since the van caught my eye. I love how each of the pictures on the van shows a famous portrait in which the subject is wearing a mask (you might have to zoom in on the photo to see them). It captures the moment we're in.
April 23, 2021
Things are looking up lately. I got my first vaccine shot and will get my second one in about a week, and my daughter's dad got his too, so we are feeling a little more like life is approaching something livable. My daughter started soccer, I joined a gym (all outdoors!) and we've had an outdoor playdate with some friends. All of these small things add up to a big boost in our outlook. I also started therapy and that's been a huge relief. Amazing how tangled up my emotions and my thinking became over the last year. I really needed a way forward and therapy has been even more helpful than I expected. Overall, doing well. My co-worker has family in India and she is really struggling with what they are going through, so there's always that other side that reminds you that there is still a raging pandemic and even though we are feeling positive, there's still a ways to go. Humanity is in such a weird place right now. It's worrisome, but the best I can do is model positivity, kindness, and empathy so that my daughter doesn't fret or feel powerless. It's not always easy but thankfully it's getting easier.
April 24, 2021
Seriously? In Scotland, we have been under a hard government lockdown for FOUR MONTHS. The entire country shut down on 26 December 2020 and IS STILL SHUT DOWN AS I WRITE ON 23 April 2021. I struggle to make my American friends and relatives appreciate the strictness and length of this lockdown. All sports facilities, cinemas, theatres, restaurants, bars, churches, hairdressers, barbers, libraries, coffee shops, and all retail except homewares & groceries, ARE CLOSED. EVERYTHING has been closed for FOUR SOLID MONTHS. You have to wear a mask to go to the supermarket. (No mask, no supermarket.) You drop your pet outside the vet and sit in your car. Universities are teaching remotely. You can order takeaway, but you are not allowed inside to pick it up - it is handed to you through a hatch or dropped outside the door. We are not allowed to travel outside our local area. We are not allowed to cross the border into England. If we fly internationally, when we return to Scotland we will be met at the gate by a security agent who will escort us to a quarantine hotel, where we will stay for 10 days, at our own expense, before being allowed back into the country. Up until two weeks ago, we were not allowed to meet outside in groups of more than 2 people from 2 different households. (Now we are allowed to visit, outside, with up to six people from 2 different households - I think - the numbers change weekly.) The one exception to this hard lockdown has been that our schools are open. The children have been back in school for most of this academic year. It is very interesting to me, and a little baffling, that we have managed to keep our schools open but shut down everything else - it feels a bit like the opposite has happened in the USA. But that's just an impression. We are "opening" on Monday, 26 April 2021. This means that pubs and resataurants will be open, for OUTSIDE seating only, until 8.00 p.m. And we will be allowed to visit with more people OUTSIDE. And retail shops and gyms and hairdressers will be open again, with social distancing measures in place. And we will be allowed to cross the border into England, though international travel is still unavailable. Even with this gradual opening, we will still be in lockdown.
April 24, 2021
I have literally no idea what to expect from a post covid world. I feel shell shocked still by this current reality and can’t really imagine going back to the way things were entirely. I went to my work three times this week, for the first time since March 12, 2020, and it felt both completely normal and utterly strange.
April 24, 2021
Si es que usted podría haber hecho algo diferente al principio de la pandemia, que hubiera sido, y por qué? ... Si hubiera podido ir a verla antes de la pandemia, hubiera podido despedirme. Ella era mi madrina, se llamaba C. y murió contagiada de covid, el virus le complicó su epoc y se la llevó este viernes. Hemos tenido días muy duros, 4 de mis 12 familiares han dado positivos para covid, y aun así, tuve que ir a trabajar. Me he sentido asustada cuando viajo en metro, está siempre lleno de gente a todas horas, pero es el medio que debo usar para moverme. Antes de la pandemia viajaba tranquila a mi pueblo ahora no puedo. Hubiera ido a ver a mis familiares, hace mucho no veo a las tías que viven en la finca. Y me siento muy mal porque no pude despedirme de mi madrina. En su misa solo dejaron la foto y las cenizas. Nada más... murió sola en una sala de cuidados paliativos. No tengo más palabras para añadir, me siento muy triste está semana.
April 24, 2021
April 24, 2021
April 24, 2021
4/22/21 Last week's art project in Mrs. G.'s kindergarten class. I love the projects she has the kids do. Yesterday they made dandelion playdough. Each child had to pick 20 dandelions, then they put them all in a big bucket with hot water and added vegetable oil, flour, and salt. Three friends mixed it with their hands, then other friends came with scoops to distribute it. Some even came home -- in a gross little ziploc we found in our little friend's backpack, totally unidentifiable. We'd clearly missed the memo (on the Seesaw online school program).
April 24, 2021
Obviously, social media is a part of this. I periphally know people who call Covid the Chinese Flu, or some variant of that. This was also initiated and stoked by Trump, whose response to a pandemic was to marginalize and divide our citizens. It is disgusting, and disgraceful. I do believe racism is the true American pandemic, with no vaccine available. It has shocked me to see the acts of violence perpetrated on people just going about their lives. The all too numerous acts done by police on Black and brown people is a permanent stain on our country.
April 24, 2021
My grandma suffers from mental health before the pandemic started because she was in a bad car accident. The pandemic has made her feel more alone than she ever has and it is heartbreaking to listen to my grandma cry out about being lonely. As my grandparents get older I want to spend more time with them and this whole pandemic has made it hard. I work in a grocery store so I come in contact with hundreds of people in a day, I could not live with myself if I gave them COVID-19 and killed them so I try to reduce contact or stay away from them. This hurts my heart probably more than it hurts theirs. I still reach out to them and tell them I love them but it is not the same. For my mom, she has prior health issues and she is a big lady. I was scared for her more than anyone in my family because she can't breath with a mask on, but on the flip side will die if she catches COVID-19. We actually built her a mask with a breathing machine attached to it. This is a very scary thought for my mom to have that if she catches COVID-19 she has slim chances of surviving. Because of this she has been dieting and trying to get her health under order. Thank you.
April 24, 2021